
Fishermen now have access to their trips and area impact online.

We are excited to introduce Black Box Portal - a new user friendly web portal for fishermen to browse and analyze data collected from their Black Box system.

The Trip Analyzer section of the Portal, enables the fishermen to view their trips directly on a map, see their gear activity and pin point out exactly where their fishing operations took place (see the image below).

Each vessel has an impact on the environment. If we look at mussel dredgers for example, it is especially interesting to know the area impact of the fishing gear on the seabed (in square meters). This can be calculated from the data produced by the Black Box systems and used

for ensuring that no areas are damaged by overfishing and that particular attention is given to fragile and vulnerable areas.

The new Black Box Portal, enables the fishermen to see their vessels area impact and adjust their fishing accordingly.

Also, if permission is given by the individual fishermen, fishery unions can access their area impact results, set up limits and verify that vessels are within allowed impact thresholds.

If you are interested in hearing more about the Black Box Portal, please contact us.

Black Box Portal - Trip Analyzer